I/0 Library

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The Function of I/O library – iostream.h

At the lowest implement level , where the notion of data type is missing and files are treated as streams ob bytes , the I/O library manages the transfer of these bytes.

At the user level , where the notion of data type is present , I/O library manages the interface between these two levels i.e , between user level and the lowest implementations level.

The I/O library  predefines a set of operations for handling reading and writing of built-un data types.

Predefined Streams in I/O library

A Stream is simply a sequence of bytes. Input and output operations are supported by the istream and ostream classes.

The predefined stream objects for input , output and error are as follows

Cin as a istream class object tied to standard input. Cin stands for console input.

Cout as a ostream class object tied to standard output. Cout stands for console output.

Cerr as output class object tied to standard error. Cerr stands for console error.

Declarations and functions of cin , cout , and cerr are contained within iostream.h


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